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Find out what our students say

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    I feel like I’ve been born again. Receiving new insights... It is clearly history repeating itself! Thank you for giving me this opportunity to study again!

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    INCREDIBLE Study! Thank you again! Blessings to Dr. Korner for his sharing this profound work with us and to everyone at Israel Bible Center for inviting him.

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    I feel like I’ve been born again. Receiving new insights... It is clearly history repeating itself! Thank you for giving me this opportunity to study again!

  • ...

    INCREDIBLE Study! Thank you again! Blessings to Dr. Korner for his sharing this profound work with us and to everyone at Israel Bible Center for inviting him.


In collaboration with scholars from leading universities

We have Bible experts from universities around the world, discussing everything from Archeology and Theology to Rabbinics. There is always so much to learn just by listening to these scholars’ debates.

Asbury Theological Seminary
University of Oxford
Harvard University
University of Wroclaw
Vanderbilt University
University of Groningen
The University of Kansas

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