Have you ever wondered about the heavenly Jerusalem, a place of unparalleled beauty and divine splendor? 

Join us on an enlightening journey into the celestial city described in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 21, and discover its magnificent details. Adorned with precious gems and streets paved with gold, it's a city that radiates the glory of God – a true masterpiece.

But this isn't just a city; it's a sacred temple city, a dwelling place for the divine. Explore the rich traditions of ancient Jewish literature that unravel the mysteries of this heavenly abode. We'll delve into texts from the Bible, Second Temple Literature, Qumran scrolls, and rabbinic traditions, unveiling the profound wisdom they hold.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to gain deep insights into the celestial Jerusalem and its significance. Prepare to be enchanted by this event, where profound wisdom and captivating discussions converge. Explore the depths of ancient traditions and gain a deeper understanding of your faith. This is your chance to be part of something truly remarkable. Mark your calendar and join us for an unforgettable experience! 

Join us for an engaging discussion hosted by the esteemed Dr. Yeshaya Gruber, featuring the remarkable Profs. Carlos Santos Carretero and Pinchas Shir of the Israel Bible Center. Their extensive expertise and wealth of experience will unlock delightful insights into the most fascinating aspects of Jewish and Christian beliefs.