The Jewish Sermon on the Mountain

👉 Did Jesus of Nazareth teach Judaism or Christianity? 
👉 Were the sayings recorded as part of the Sermon on the Mount intended to break out of old ways of thought or to reinforce them against dangerous innovations? 
👉 Do the expressed principles agree with Moses’ Torah, contradict it, or establish a new path altogether? 
👉 How would other Jewish groups of the time — Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots, and others — have reacted to these words? 
👉 How did the natural, historical, and cultural setting of the Land of Israel influence the original message; and have later Judaism and Christianity simply neglected and therefore completely misunderstood its meaning?

You’ll be absolutely amazed by all the new things you’ll learn about the Sermon on the Mount, so be sure to join us for this enlightening webinar!

The discussion will be hosted by Dr. Yeshaya Gruber and will feature Drs. Cyndi Parker and Nicholas Schaser. Their vast knowledge and experience will provide delightful insights into some of the most exciting Jewish and Christian beliefs.